"Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age. Amen." - Mathew 28:19-20
59% of the world today is considered unreached — meaning Jesus is largely unknown among 4.6 billion people.
Today, hundreds of thousands of people will die without the hope of Jesus. The IMB exists to address this problem, the world’s greatest problem — lostness. We send missionaries to the nations to share the good news of Jesus. Pastors we support and pray with at RTN
P Timothy Oh 2024 our prayer focus and missions focus togetheri, is on Vietnam, Cambodia, India & Nepal
P Robert N Mose, Kenya​
P David, Myanmar
P Alex, Uganda
P Santosh, Nepal
P Amos, Nepal
P Paul Song, London UK

Elijah Han (South Korea)
Elijah Han serves as the international students pastor at Kyunghee University in the outskirts of Seoul, South Korea. His passion for worship and missions and holy living by the Gospel is a much needed voice in the Korean Church in these last days.
Joseph Hwa (Cambodia)
Brother Joe Hwa got saved radically while serving sentence and met Jesus powerfully and personally and now lives in Cambodia where he is serving in Phnom Penh and is engaged as a full-time missionary and teaches English, to carry out the Great Commission. He is now part of Iris Ministries in Cambodia and we are grateful to serve him as his sending Church here from the USA! RTN Cambodia missionary family.

Pastor Simon Baik and Danny Nam
(Hilltop, Ohio)
Danny Nam - is Married with three kids -Living in Columbus, Ohio -Working at Christian afterschool program for low-income, at-risk youth from the Hilltop neighborhood -Met God in 2016
Pastor Simon Baik - was Saved in 2001 - BA Christian Education (Biola University) M.Div (Talbot School of Theology) - Married with 1 dog - Serving as an evangelist/ teacher at a Christian Afterschool program for low income, at-risk youth. - Serving as a volunteer pastor/teacher at a local Korean church in Columbus, Ohio - I Love Jesus and Inn&Out Burger
Missionaries from Persecuted Nations of India, Pakistan, Bhutan, Nepal, Kenya, Uganda, Jordan, Lebanon

Robert Nehemiah Mose
Robert Nehemiah Mose was born in year 1985 in Nyanza, Kisi county, Gucha sub county in a family of nine, being the last born in the family, he was the first person to accept Christ in the year 1997, Sept 20th. He is a husband, a father and preacher of the Word. He is a pastor missionary at the south-coast region of Kenya. He served in Semarang Indonesia in the year 2016, in 2017 back in Kenya, was called by the Bible Way Ministry to serve has a volunteer minister in Kinango sub county. He started from scratch and raised a small congregation of sixty members, most of them from a Muslim society who gave their life to Christ. In the year 2020, due to the pandemic, he was laid off the ministry, since they were not able to sustain the rent for the rented facility. After one year, prayerfully Robert felt a need for reaching out to the poor in society and prayerfully together with wife Judith, they went back and started Rhema House of Hope as a fellowship, and is now Building Rhema House of Hope resource center to support families, to raise a healthy family both spiritually and physically in the fear of God. Together with his family, they have experienced God using them become a blessings to the society and region. Robert and Judith Mwango, are blessed with four children, three boys and a girl: Rhema Jabez, Rhesa Jesse, Rabbi Israel and their beautiful girl Rapha Jael.
Pastor Santosh Bk

Pastor SANTOSH BK, was born in 1992, in a small village called Pragatinagr of Nepal. He found the Lord Jesus Christ at the age of 12 years old. He is the first believer of his village, accepted Christ and followed His will from childhood. He has been a full-time pastor, missionary and preacher for 11 years. He started ministry as missionary and church planter in 2013 in boundary areas of Nepal and India. God did wonderful work in these churches in Nepal and India. Because of His great call when he was 14 years old , God spoke audibly and showed His revelation and the ministry fields in different parts of Nepal and India. For the last few years, God has been using me as a preadcher in India, South Korea, Thailand, Malaysia and Singapore. Because of His grace, he now is serving the very tribal people group and multi religious people groups who are polytheistic. Many churches are broken and persecution happens, but they are standing for His call and ministry. In the pandemic, more than 25 house churches started and many leaders were raised up. Many people are being healed by Lord Jesus Christ and coming to Christ everyday. He has the one daughter Shekaina and wife Susmita who is helping the beautiful ministry for God.
Pastor Scott Park

From Incheon bangjoo church (under pastor Boyoung Park) sent to Toronto, Canada. Toronto cross church senior pastor. RTN canada partner church
Contact us for the missionaries we pray with and support.